Support Groups & Help Lines
Support Groups
A support group or an online community can help people living with pain find hope and understanding.
Disclaimer: Painaustralia aims to provide consumers with information about pain management options. The listing of pain therapies, programs and resources on our website is not an endorsement of these options. Individuals should consult with their clinician about the best options for their pain management.
Carer Gateway Counselling Service
Caring for a loved one is important work. Some days caring brings great joy, but some days it can be lonely or a little overwhelming. No matter how you feel today, there is a counselling professional just a phone call away.
The Carer Gateway Counselling Service is a free service for carers. Each weekday, from 8am to 6pm, our professional counsellors are waiting to talk through the concerns you have and how you feel about your carer role. To learn more about how counselling helps carers, watch our video “Introducing the Carer Gateway Counselling Service” on this page.
To use the service, simply select ‘Request a Callback’ on this web page, fill in your details and we will call you back within one business day. You can also call 1800 422 737 and Select Option 2 to speak to our team.
To find ideas to boost your wellbeing as a Carer, browse our Carer Wellbeing Fact Sheets by selecting the ‘Fact Sheets’ tab and browse our topics.
For more information about other Carer Services to support you, visit the Carer Gateway website at or call 1800 422 737.
Australian Pain Management Association Support Groups
APMA is for people living with pain and and their family members. To find an APMA Support Group near you, click here.
Adelaide Pain Support Network
Adelaide Pain Support Network is here to support people with persistent pain. They are supported by the Adelaide Primary Health Network
For more information please visit
GAIN Chronic Pelvic Pain Support Group
Gynaecological Awareness Information Network (GAIN) runs a Chronic Pelvic Pain Support Group to provide help Australia-wide over the phone. There are also bi-monthly meetings held in Perth. For phone support call Vanessa Watson 0437 498 917 or to find out more visit
Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW Community Groups
There are more than 35 Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW community groups across the state. To find out more visit the Branches and Support Groups page at
Young Women’s Arthritis Support Group (YWASG)
YWASG holds monthly meetings and social gatherings in Melbourne. There is also a Facebook page you can join, to connect with the group from wherever you live. Visit YWASG Facebook page.
Australian Chronic Pain Sufferers Facebook Group
Australian Chronic Pain Sufferers is a closed Facebook group to support people with chronic pain, as well as family and friends. Visit Australian Chronic Pain Sufferers Facebook group or to contact the facilitator, Scott Thompson
CRPS Geelong
CRPS Geelong is for people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or other nerve pain condition who live in the Geelong area of Victoria. The group meets twice a month and also connects online. To find out more email or visit the CRPS Geelong Facebook group.
Occipital Neuralgia Australia
Occipital Neuralgia Support Group Australia is a closed Facebook support group is for people suffering from occipital neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, other nerve pain or cluster headaches. Visit their Facebook page.
Humankind provides support for people with chronic illness and their loved ones to achieve positive relationships. Visit the Humankind website.
The Australian RSD/CRPS Support Group
The Australian RSD/CRPS Support Group provides online and phone support and information for people affected by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
Bendigo Fibromyalgia Peer Support Group
Bendigo Fibromyalgia Peer Support Group is for people with chronic pain living in the Bendigo area in Victoria. There are monthly meetings held in Bendigo. Visit Bendigo Fibromyalgia Peer Support Group Facebook page.
Diamond Facts Chronic Pain Support Group
Diamond Facets is a closed Facebook group. There are also monthly meetings in Port Lincoln, South Australia.
Visit Diamond Facets Facebook group.
Pain Support ACT
Pain Support ACT promotes the health and wellbeing of people in the Canberra region living with persistent pain. There are monthly meetings and other events, as well as opportunities to be involved in advocacy. Visit the Pain Support ACT Facebook page and the Pain Support ACT website.
Dragon Claw
Dragon Claw is an Internet community to support people with autoimmune disorders, as well as their families and carers. Visit to sign up or learn more.
Musculoskeletal Australia Support Groups
There are more than 40 support groups for people with musculoskeletal conditions.
They meet in person and online. To find a group, visit the Peer Support Groups page at
Nillumbik Pain Support Group
Nillumbik Pain Support Group is for people living with chronic pain in the north east of Melbourne. It meets on the third Wednesday of the month in Eltham, Melbourne. To find out more visit their Facebook page.
Arthritis ACT Support Groups
Arthritis ACT supports two monthly meet-up groups in Phillip, as well as a monthly chronic conditions seminar series in Pearce. Find out more about Arthritis ACT Support Groups.
Purple Bucket Foundation
The Purple Bucket Foundation provides support and information to people with CRPS, their families and carers. Visit the website or Facebook page.
Chronic Pain Australia Forum
CPA hosts a forum on its website for people living with pain. The forum is an online community to support and empower one another. Visit the CPA forum.
Endometriosis Australia
Face-to-face and online support groups for Australian women with endometriosis. Visit the Endometriosis Australia website to find a support group near you.
Help Lines
Pain Link Helpline 1300 340 357 (call back service)
Musculoskeletal Australia Help Line 1800 263 265 or
Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 (24/7)
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 (24/7)
Arthritis Information Line 1800 011 041 (9am - 5pm)
Headache Australia 1300 886 660 (Office hours)
MS Australia 02 8484 1315 (Office hours)
Women's Health and Research Institute of Australia 1300 722 206 (Office hours)