Consumer engagement
Consumer Advisory Group
Painaustralia is in the process of finalising membership of our Consumer Advisory Group, which will assist on informing key policies and positions.
Following an overwhelming response from a diverse group of people, the advisory group will reflect the various conditions and people affected by pain in Australia.
Successful applicants are being contacted and the date and agenda of the first meeting is currently being determined. Language Guidelines, the Royal Commission into Aged Care and Private Health Insurance will be priority areas of discussion in the early part of this year.
Language Guidelines
The Language Guidelines for Chronic Pain Management are in their final revision following extensive feedback from people living with pain and those working in the sector.
The Guidelines aim to help media, consumers, health care providers, government, other industry stakeholders and the general community to use accurate and sensitive language when discussing chronic pain and those who live with it.
We look forward to sharing the penultimate draft with our members soon.
Medical devices consultations
The Therapeutic Goods Administration is seeking input on a proposal to introduce a Unique Device Identification (UDI) system for medical devices in Australia.
As the use of medical devices increases in Australia and around the world, the establishment of the UDI System could benefit consumers and provide safety in the event of failures.
Painaustralia is currently gathering consumer opinions of the UDI proposal as well as thoughts on medical devices in general.